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This Vegan Life

* Extremely well-written, thoughtful accounts of becoming & being vegan.  



Kris Carr & The Crazy Sexy Wellness Revolution

*Kris Carr's blog has a weekly dose of information for a healthier body, mind, & soul. Plus the site contains great juice & smoothie recipes! 



The Kind Life with Alicia Silverstone 

*Alicia Silverstone writes about everything from food to travel to household items. 



Your Vegan Mom  

*Recipes & adventures of a vegan mom. Lots of bite-sized tastiness! 


Healthy. Happy. Life.  

*Tons of amazing recipes & vegan smoothies! Mmmm


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The Holy Kale

*Cleanses, recipes, and nutrition info from a certified nutritionist



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Post Punk Kitchen 

*Isa Chandra Moskowitz is the genius behind books like "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World," "Veganomicon," & "Vegan with a Vengeance." Her blog filled with tons of fabulous recipes.


Vegan Yum Yum 

*While Lauren Ulm hasn't updated the site lately she has a ton of amazing, free recipes with step-by-step pictures.