Let's celebrate the birth of Sexie Veggies in style!
On this day, August 20th, 2 years ago would be the first time Sexie Veggies was ever performed in the world. It was a warm, summer night in the little town of Hollywood, California and the world-renowned Sacred Fools Theater was having an eclectic night they like to call "Ten Tops." Up to ten artists may sign up to perform whatever they wish for seven minutes with the exception of stand-up comedy, pyrotechnics, or the expression of bodily fluids. (Though with all the Sexie Veggies they saw on stage that night it's hard to imagine that there wasn't a serious violation to the last rule.) There were hardly 20 people in the audience that night but they witnessed something so Sexie, we all know it needed to be shared with the world.
Photo by: Marian Gonzalez
So then, again on this day, August 20th, 1 year ago was the first time Sexie Veggies was ever filmed for the Internet. There was so much talent among the crew and the best part - everyone there was my friend.
It is now a year later and we are currently planning the official launch of Sexie Veggies! And if you will be in the Los Angeles area, please join us as we celebrate at the Black Rose Tavern. Here are the launch party details:
Monday, September 15th
Black Rose Tavern, 8771 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles 90035
And in the meantime, on this glorious day of Sexie birth, find a Sexie Veggie and give it a squeeze.